What customers appreciate about Excelliance!
The result: a steep start-up curve, a team that burns on the crest line for success, effective measures and long-term success.
This is exactly what our customers appreciate, together in well over 100 projects since 1995. We assume responsibility for demanding tasks.

»Rüdiger Tibbe and the Excelliance team quickly familiarized themselves with the situation in a critical and tense situation, prepared quick decisions on the part of all stakeholders and consistently implemented the measures. The long industrial experience and competence gained over many projects were the basis for a natural authority and a smooth integration into our organization. Excelliance has gained acceptance for urgently needed measures and their implementation through structured planning, persuasiveness and social competence. The interaction that functions across all hierarchical levels, combined with the hands-on mentality, made a significant contribution to the success of the corporate transformation.«
Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer LEDVANCE GmbH, Garching (until July 31, 2018)

»At LEDVANCE, we faced a major restructuring and integration task with new owners. Rüdiger Tibbe’s transformation team has provided rapid transparency for the company itself, its employees and its owners, thus creating an understanding on all sides for far-reaching decisions to be taken at short notice. The empathic skills of the Excelliance team, especially against the background of the special corporate culture at LEDVANCE, together with many years of industry experience in all functional areas important for a restructuring, were the main reasons for the short-term successes achieved. In his role as interim CEO, Mr. Tibbe constantly exchanged information with me as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, kept me up to date at all times and proved his professional standing at all times, even when it came to unpopular decisions. A further strength was how the transformation team moved safely at all hierarchical levels and thus built up great trust within the organization.«
Chairman of the Supervisory Board LEDVANCE GmbH, Garching (until December 31, 2017)
Further added value through Excelliance:

Achievement of objectives by assuming full responsibility for implementation, also in a fiscal unity or line function

Ensuring project success through early involvement of customer employees

Sustainability through post-project support (aftercare) for 24 months after the end of the project

Information and know-how transfer through the establishment of interdisciplinary mixed project teams

Customer employees’ commitment through a small Excelliance team, which uses existing resources at the customer’s site

Assertiveness through experience in dealing with employees in complex and intercultural structures

Speed and very high control of inventories by concentrating on the essentials

High acceptance of Excelliance among employees – thanks to high technical and methodological competence paired with empathy

Transparent project management (goals, budget, deadlines, resources, etc.) through PMO